Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quick Update!!

Im currently in mr. lagguares (if that's how you spell it) office and its amazy the my school hasen't block the blog spot im sykeeeeddd!!
any who this isnt about art or the norm shit i blog about but just like 2 hrs. ago there was i lil riot in my school and i work in the office for 1st hr. So i heard it all
ugh what's this world coming to, ppl busting other ppls face open.
Dear lordyy, the bf came late to school tooday so i got to seee him..
today is going good hope it last
-ok back to art fashion and other super raww shit.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Breathing Chair

by Taipei-based
industrial designer Yu-Ying Wu
and inspired by plant cells. Nice chair!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

New BBC Releases

Bape Holiday 2009 Bapex Watches

The Bape Bapex line-up gets refreshed for Holiday 2009. The Submariner inspired watch comes in three new colorways – gold, silver and black. All three have matching dials and diving ring. Check them out in more detail after the jump.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Cudis not in it but ok i digg the

Wild Wild West theme hahaha.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

R.I.P x Pastelle

Pastelle No more:(
So it turns out that atelle will not..yes i said will not be dropping.
WHknows mabe one day a miracle can happen.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mr. Hudson x Making of Anyone But Him"

Johnny Cupcakes Halloween 2009 T-Shirts

I know what im wearin for HALLOWEEN!! HAHA

After the
“Something in the Cupcake Mix” tee series, Johnny Cupcakes presents some more Halloween 2009 themed t-shirts for Fall/Winter 2009. Overall 6 new t-shirts have hit their online store and retail locations, each one playing with the Halloween theme in one way or another.
Available at check em out.
They sip word wide lol.

NEIGHBORHOOD x Disney Vinyl Preview

Front Half Please!!! NEIGHBORHOOD founder Shinsuke Takizawa has recently seen his brand involved with Disney on a collaboration capsule which revolved mostly around the fashion side of things. However, this preview features an upcoming figure which includes the Big Bad Wolf wielding a NEIGHBORHOOD-branded with a butcher’s knife. No word yet on a release date.

UNDFEATED 2009 Fall/Winter Collection

So out of nowhere it starts to get cold here in miami
amd what better sweaterto rock othr than some Undefeated.
These threads are preety fresh not o many people rock it
but i might have to cop soon. There available at
along with a whole bunch more Undefeated ishh. So dont sleep.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

And Here It Is.

Two Words. CRAZY and mos def. ABSTRACT

Spike Jonze is a genius.

"We Were Once A Fairytale" - Kanye West Dir: Spike Jonze from Yooj‽ on Vimeo.

So i found some art

Some art that you might not be use to but "this shit rite here" (Katt williams voice ofcourse)
is DOPEE! by :Shawn Barber




As i was checking out MOBLIVING i found this FUNNY SHITT!

Ok i want a bike ..

So i can plugg up my ears when im down and let the wind be my friend and my music the sound track to my life

Riding High from 13thWitness™ on Vimeo.

Le Whif

This is something i could get use to .. 
im ordering mine up like as i type 
the is HOT SHIT!


  • LE WHIF is a fun new way to experience chocolate without the calories
  • A quick puff from the patented lipstick-like device starts the unique LE WHIF Chocolate Taste Experience.
  • Chocolate flies through the air from the end of the
    LE WHIF cylinder
  • Chocolate sprinkles onto your tongue through small holes in the mouthpiece
  • Chocolate never touches your fingers
  • Le Whif packs intense flavor into less than a single calorie.


Really Now....


Sometimes i would love to have the ability to go into peoples head and see where the eff they're coming from.. Ok is he gay ? or am i late ..
i reallly need to know this truly bothers me when someone hides something that almost kinda sorta obvious!!
And didnt he play basketball like wadddfuxup !!

Shots of my own!

I seen mr. frog in my backyard and did what i
do best. Hope yu like haha

PLAY COMME des GARCONS 2009 October New Releases

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happpppy birthday to my dad !!

I Love him (he's my dad duhhh ) well happy birthday dad hope you have a wonderful day!


Kid sister's pretty fly i like er.. im sykd for her album.. ( chyeaa)


H&M x Jimmy Choo

=Simles :) :) :)

This collection consists of (everything a girls needs) shoes, bags, accessories for both men  (oh yeh and a lil sumthing for the fellas)  and a women’s clothing collection to complement the accessories.

Kid Cudi x NylonTv (HOT SHIT)

Friday, October 16, 2009

MUST SEEE hahaha

People in NY are "DontSteal Bikes Bro"

Bike Thief vs Street Justis from triple on Vimeo.

John Mayer- Who Says

Deff. added to the List of my top ten songs of the year.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Really Cool Black And White PhotoS.

So this is a project by Keffer, who clings the people
who make the day to night, mostly of course
party people, but also people behind the turntables
and of private "celebrations".

Where the Wild Things Are x Medicom Toy Figure Collection

The movies on its way!!!!!! and the animation looks way to crazy
of course the toys look just as real but you can buy the collection

Kid Cudi Interview

EXCLUSIVE SPRITE GREEN FEATURE: Kid Cudi Interview from MCM on Vimeo.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Stylophone Beatbox

This is too good to be true, Haha these white dudes desrve

their own concert.

N*E*R*D stop #2 Kentucky

Chad Ragin on his Syth guitar i really hope they stop
in miami soon. Their last concert i went to here was crazy!!!!!

5$ LRG t-shirt Sale!!!!!

This stuff is crazy all shirts are 5 bucks in the lrG line
check the site before they sell out!!!

GO APE!!!!!

Bathing Ape x 2009 Winter Catalog
A Bathing Ape will soon be releasing the Winter 2009 version of their always impressive catalog. This new season will feature a variety of Bape items including some of the upcoming URSUS BAPE releases. The book will also include a special limited edition camo watch. A release is scheduled for October 16th, 2009 through with retail set at ¥1,260 (Approx. $15 USD).

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lady gaga X Hello kitty .


I mean who else right, it's perfect for her, she has her own style pulls it off pretty good
i can't blame her .. 




I rep team Gaga (no matter how crazy it gets)

Nke Sportswerar x "London to Paris"

PEEp lance Armstrong at the end.

Maison Louis Vuitton, Too Dope


Pencil FaceShort Film

Film art at its best right here.

I really wish i had one of these sometimes.

By. Dandy Dwarves

Ambush x Zippo “Eyez on Fire” Lighters

Are you smoking that "Kushh?" that "Maryjane?" That "High grade?"

These lighters are pretty fly and they'll go along just right with that blunt your lightin' up


More firee!!

Jean-Charles de Castelbajac x odm “Pop Hours” Watches

Im like em' i mean it totally thought lego's where Dee&Ricky thing.
But im guess this cat is in to them too not bad not bad at all..


the watches use LEGO-like bricks over a total of six colorways – black, white, bright green, blue, yellow and red.

Jay-Z x N.E.R.D Tour

First Stop...PennState!!! i hope these niggs
come thru anywhere in Mami i havnt raged
at a concert ina while,, im in need of one.

Peep pharrell's New Balances he stopped wearin
vans idk why. Mabe these are more comfortable lol.
But as long as the music' good im good.